Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hedda Hopper's Hollywood

When the subject of Hollywood gossip columnists came up in the 1950s, the first name on everybody's mind would be Hedda Hopper.  So popular were her praises and barbs about celebrities and their movies that she even turned up in a movie or two (maybe more) herself in a bit part.  Here, she says nice things about "U.F.O." and it may be of interest as a dateline that Hopper also references actor John Wayne and plans for his big-budget film, "The Alamo."  

Another brief article included today mentions official documents placed with Title Insurance and Trust Co. of Los Angeles.  Unfortunately, when I inquired about these in the seventies they were long gone and the firm had no idea of their whereabouts.

Of, by now, familiar significance, another article mentions in error that Capt. Edward Ruppelt played his own role -- and muddies things up even more by stating Maj. Dewey Fournet played himself, which he did not (but like Ruppelt and Al chop he did consult on the film's production). (credit:  Barry Greenwood)