Thursday, October 7, 2021

Planting the Movie's Roots

I was pleasantly surprised a few days ago to get an e-mail from Josh, a documentary video producer whose work is apparently well-established on YouTube, where his projects are known under the designation Red Panda Koala.  The documentarian was wrapping up an historical account of government UFO activity and reports preceding and eventually resulting in the making of "U.F.O." by a very determined producer Clarence Greene.

As well, I was honored and, again, surprised to learn that videographer Josh had dedicated his production to me.

"The First UFO Movie Ever Made" is now up on YouTube and his hard work and care are apparent.  Josh also included a sound bite from the last (and final) broadcast interview I did in 2006, on the late Errol Bruce-Knapp's Canadian radio show, "Strange Days Indeed."

Anytime somebody emphasizes the importance of the 1956 motion picture to UFO history -- and  hasn't Clarence Greene's cinematic alert been somewhat "vindicated" now that the UFO (UAP) subject is rather fashionable and "real" among government and military personnel? -- I'm all in for the effort.  Thanks, Josh.

By the way, "U.F.O." the motion picture is also available on YouTube for free viewing, so be sure to wander through history for about 92 minutes if you've never seen it.

You can find Josh's YouTube presentation by typing in the title at your favorite search engine, or at the following site (I'll also put it up on the link list soon):

Friday, April 9, 2021

Used as a Training Film?

eteran researcher
and frequent contributor Barry Greenwood contributes this little gem from the Forth Worth Star-Telegram, October 6, 1956.  

"U.F.O." had premiered in theaters coast to coast just months previously in 1956, but from all indications the movie took on an unexpected versatility when it was shown as something of a training film for volunteer airplane-spotting members of a Civil Defense ground observer unit.

Whether watching the movie generated any legitimate UFO reports among ground observers is unknown, but the reasoning behind a presentation of "U.F.O." in this manner would be an interesting story in itself.