Dr. David Michael Jacobs wrote many years ago in his great book, The UFO Controversy in America, that there indeed was official government concern about the potential public impact of Clarence Greene's movie, "U.F.O." before it hit the nation's theater screens in May of 1956. Al Chop tended to downplay concern of the higher-ups, and I have been informed over the years that Al's one "bone of contention" with my original article on the motion picture was my mention of government worries over the production. Even producer Greene denied any government interference whatsoever.
In any case, some officials did not merely look the other way, and they did keep tabs on the film's release. As we now realize from Project Blue Book's own records, once they were put on microfilm in the years following Blue Book's closure, at least one review of the movie was found in the files, as shown here on the third page of these film roll log entries.